Customer Stories

Customer Story: OneSeven Tech

Taliman automates auditing and tracking of all your software subscriptions for free. Securely connect to your company's bank to reveal everything about your software spending — including overcharges, renewals and trials.

Anthony Garza
June 16, 2023
Customer Story: OneSeven Tech

OneSeven Tech is a digital product studio helping Pre-Seed to Series-A startups plan, design, and build high-quality software. With multiple projects to manage and software products to utilize, OneSeven Tech relies on Talisman to track, centralize, and organize its software subscriptions to make sure that every dollar counts.

1 - Organizing all subscriptions in one centralized dashboard

OneSeven Tech has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, leading to the expansion of their team, client portfolio, and increased utilization of numerous SaaS products.

However, prior to implementing Talisman, their subscription tracking process was a manual nightmare. The team had to manually sift through bank account transactions, QuickBooks records, and multiple emails and run them through different team members across the organization to confirm whether a subscription was active or not.

Because this process was so time-consuming, it led to a continuous cycle of questions and communication issues that not only failed to bring accurate results but also killed the team’s productivity. There was no system for efficiently and accurately organizing and keeping track of the company’s subscriptions, and the issue was holding the team back.

Upon using Talisman, OneSeven Tech was able to immediately streamline its subscription tracking process. All their SaaS subscriptions can now be seen and sorted in one centralized platform. All the necessary details are displayed and sorted, so the team can quit the back-and-forth questioning, and everyone can go back to focusing on what they do best.

Key details like the list of subscriptions along with the corresponding costs, renewals, purchasers, and level of usage are all presented in the clearest, most transparent way.

The process of reviewing and organizing all SaaS subscriptions used to take the team hours or even days to complete. With Talisman, they were able to cut that time down to 30 minutes!

2 - Identifying unused and underutilized subscriptions and saving as much as $14K

As a growing company, OneSeven Tech needs to try out new tools and software to further improve productivity and product quality. However, with everyone busy with their own roles and responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook the minor subscriptions that could gradually accumulate and lead to substantial costs.

Before using Talisman, OneSeven Tech simply did not have the means to track subscriptions which led to underutilized tools and redundant charges. This oversight cost way more than they imagined.

With Talisman’s instant and detailed review of every single subscription of the company and the automated rundown of which subscriptions are active and which ones should be cancelled, the team was able to promptly and proactively get on top of their expenses and reduce costs big-time.

Talisman performed a full-scale audit of ALL subscriptions, prompting which ones are underused and unnecessary. In just under 30 minutes, OneSeven Tech saved $14,000 that could be better used for other more important areas of the business.

3 - Optimizing tech stack and putting resources to better use

OneSeven Tech used to heavily rely on spreadsheets to manage its tech stack. However, the manual process of inputting every single subscription expense and evaluating their necessity one by one was simply too time-consuming. The company’s shift to Talisman has cut down weeks of manual work. OneSeven Tech was able to connect their bank account and immediately catch sight of every subscription under the organization. This enabled them to individually review each subscription cost and identify the tools that have been flying under the radar all this time. This newfound visibility gave the Leadership Team the confidence to efficiently optimize their software budget and effectively use that money to expand the team. With the freed-up resource at its disposal, the company was able to establish better budget allocations and made its first sales hire.

OneSeven was able to effectively manage its SaaS subscriptions and saved a great deal of time, money, and resources with Talisman. With Talisman’s subscription management software and 24/7 auditing, OneSeven Technology is finally relieved from the hassle of sifting through spreadsheets one row at a time and the tedious process of asking every team member to evaluate subscription utility.

Manage SaaS subscriptions effortlessly with Talisman.

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