
SaaS Purchase Guide to Cost vs. Quality: Should You Buy the Quick Solution?

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Anthony Garza
August 9, 2023
SaaS Purchase Guide to Cost vs. Quality: Should You Buy the Quick Solution?

Should You Buy the Quick Solution? A Guide to Cost vs. Quality in SaaS Purchasing

SaaS tools are not made equal. The subscription rate ranges from negligible to downright hefty. But does ‘more expensive’ really mean ‘better’? Or should you just go for the cheapest alternative?

On one hand, you want to save on costs and extend your cash runway. On the other hand, you don't want to compromise on quality or security. In this guide, we'll explore the pros and cons of buying the quick and cheapest SaaS solution and provide actionable tips for making smart SaaS procurement decisions.


  • The decision to buy the quick and cheap SaaS solution requires careful consideration of both the pros and cons.
  • While cost savings and flexibility are attractive benefits, quality concerns and limited vendor and IT management support must also be taken into account.
  • When making purchase decisions for SaaS, focus on value rather than just cost, consider the long-term costs, involve your IT team, and evaluate the vendor's customer support.
  • By following these suggestions, you can make smart decisions that protect your runway, help you save on SaaS expenses, and ensure the best solution for your business.

Pros of Buying the Quickest & Cheaper SaaS Solution

Choosing the cheaper SaaS solution can still be a viable option. In fact, it comes with some distinct advantages you should factor in. The following are some of the key benefits of considering the cheaper SaaS options:

  1. Cost Savings

The most obvious benefit of buying the cheapest SaaS solution is cost savings. By choosing a lower-cost option, you can extend your runway and save on your SaaS expenses. This can be incredibly valuable if you're a startup or a small business with limited funds.

  1. Quick and Easy Implementation

Cheap SaaS solutions may be more streamlined and easier to implement, which can reduce the amount of time and resources required for onboarding. This can be extremely helpful if you manage a remote team or need to onboard employees quickly.

The features of some of the most expensive SaaS solutions may just be overkill for your needs. You probably don’t need a plethora of advanced features, integrations, and functionalities. It’s probably not wise to pay for features you don’t really need.

  1. Avoid Shadow IT

If employees feel that the SaaS solutions offered by their company are too expensive or too complex, they may turn to other solutions, resulting in Shadow IT. By offering a cheaper, more user-friendly solution, you can avoid this difficulty and ensure that your employees are using secure, company-approved software.

  1. Flexibility

Cheaper SaaS solutions may offer greater flexibility in terms of pricing and customization, which can be highly beneficial if you have unique needs or a fluctuating workload.

Choosing an expensive SaaS tool may lead to vendor lock-in, which could only limit your options or disable you from tapping innovations or optimization opportunities.

Cons of Buying the Quick & Cheaper SaaS Solution

In terms of SaaS procurement, there are always going to be trade-offs if you go the cheaper route. The following are the main cons of choosing the quick SaaS alternative:

  1. Quality Concerns

The biggest downside of buying the cheapest SaaS solution is possible quality concerns. Cheap solutions may lack the features or functionality that you need, or they may not be as secure as more expensive solutions. This can end up putting your business and reputation at risk and costing you more over time.

  1. Limited Vendor Management

Cheaper solutions may not offer the same level of vendor management support as more expensive solutions. This can make it more challenging to negotiate terms or resolve issues if problems arise.

  1. Limited IT Management Support

Cheaper solutions may also offer limited IT management support, which can put a strain on your IT team. This is entirely accurate if you have a large or complex SaaS environment.

Making Smart Procurement Decisions in SaaS Management

So, how do you make smarter purchasing decisions in SaaS management? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Focus on Value, Not Just Cost

When evaluating SaaS solutions, focus on value rather than just cost. Look for solutions that provide the features and functionality you need as well as strong security and vendor management support. However, don't overlook the benefits of a cheaper solution, such as flexibility and ease of implementation. In the end, it all boils down to what your company needs and choosing the solution that can best meet those requirements.

  1. Consider the Long-Term Costs

Remember to consider the long-term costs of a cheap SaaS solution, including potential security breaches or downtime. These costs can far outweigh the short-term savings of a cheaper alternative. However, if a cheaper solution meets your exact needs and has a proven track record for security and reliability, there may be no need to undermine its value.

  1. Involve Your IT Team

Make sure to involve your IT team in the SaaS purchasing process. They can help evaluate the technical requirements of each solution and ensure that it integrates well with your existing infrastructure. They can also help identify potential quality concerns and help you make informed decisions that are most beneficial for your business.

  1. Prioritize Flexibility and Scalability

The tool should not only meet your current needs but should match your growth plans as well. It should ideally be able to scale along with your business and offer the level of flexibility and customization your business requires.

  1. Vendor stability

If you need a SaaS tool that can serve you long-term, it’s important to look at its stability and longevity. One of the risks of choosing a new and cheap solution is the chance of discontinuing service if the company goes under. If stability and longevity are crucial for the function you’re looking for, make sure to carefully take vendor stability into account.

So, should you choose the big-name, more expensive brand or the cheaper small startup solution? The answer lies in where your company stands and how well you have done your due diligence in exploring the SaaS tool’s potential and capabilities.

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