
The Dangers of Free Trial Software

Taliman automates auditing and tracking of all your software subscriptions for free. Securely connect to your company's bank to reveal everything about your software spending — including overcharges, renewals and trials.

Anthony Garza
June 15, 2023
The Dangers of Free Trial Software

These days, free trials seem to be mandatory for anything sold online, especially in terms of software products. And they do seem like a great bargain. In fact, around 80% of software companies provide free trials before subscription, but what are the possible implications or even the dangers of signing up for free trials?

Let’s talk about the things you should be aware of when signing up for free trial software.

Auto charge after purchase

Free trials are cheap until you forget to cancel and get auto-charged. Plus, some companies make the cancellation process more tricky by complicating the navigation and obscuring the cancellation page. And even if you do find the page, you may need to further jump through hoops just to successfully cancel. Some companies even ask users to call a certain number to cancel instead of just putting it up online.

If you do need to get the free trial, make sure to set up an alarm or reminder, so you can remember to cancel if the software turned out unfitting. Also, carefully read the terms and conditions to watch out for hidden fees and know exactly what to expect. Review your credit card statement as well for any upcharges since companies tend to charge for add-ons even if it’s just a free trial.

Shadow IT

When certain employees need a tool that makes their job a little bit easier, they get compelled to sign up for free trial offers to meet their needs. However, that harmless little engagement could come at a cost in the form of Shadow IT.

Shadow IT is any hardware, software, or IT resource used by a company’s employees without the knowledge or approval of the IT department. Any unauthorized activities can bring about unwanted risks like data leakage, compliance violations, and even security issues.

Security Risk

Not all software vendors are safe. Thus, the IT department should be the one authorizing software use, so they can do proper vendor assessment and minimize security vulnerabilities. Especially if organizational data are used upon registration, it could lead to data privacy issues and other security breaches. There are also malicious trials designed for phishing or malware attacks, putting your company’s sensitive information at risk.

Unfortunately, IT departments cannot always oversee everything and monitor every single detail. But the good news is there are now tools that can make the job easier and more efficient.


Talisman can help you detect Shadow IT and address the problem before it’s too late. Talisman is a subscription software that does audits throughout your organization 24/7. Whenever there’s a new subscription under your company, you can instantly receive the report with complete details from the name and cost of the subscription to the exact department or personnel involved. You don’t want to put your company’s sensitive information into the wrong hands. Take extra precautions by setting the right strategy and solutions in place.

Sign up for Talisman and monitor software subscriptions with ease!